DSE Risk Assessments

At Lanahan Risk Management Services, our health and safety specialists are on hand to advise you on DSE. We can help you to conduct risk assessments more effectively, giving you peace of mind knowing your employees are comfortable and working without the risk of injury. 

What is a DSE risk assessment?

Display Screen Equipment (DSE) risk assessment is an inspection of the potential risks associated with using a computer, laptop, tablet or other types of display screen at work.

The assessment is a legal requirement under the Health and Safety (DSE) regulations 1992 and identifies any risks or issues that may be associated with using display screens, as well as the severity of the risk too.

What is considered in a DSE risk assessment?

A DSE risk assessment includes a variety of different aspects that you may see at a typical workstation.

Some of the most common elements that are considered during the risk assessment include:

  • Screen setup - Is the screen adjustable, readable, free of glare and in a position that does not negatively affect the user's posture?
  • Keyboard and mouse - Whether the keyboard and mouse are adjustable, usable, detachable and clearly displays the letters, numbers and symbols on the keys.
  • Work/desk surface - The work surface should be glare free and large enough to comfortably fit all of the necessary equipment
  • Chairs - Are the chairs adjustable to meet the needs of different users, stable and in good working condition?
  • Lighting - The workstation lighting should not be too bright, too dim or cause a glare.
  • Software - Whether the software used is appropriate for the user and adapted for their needs.
  • Task demands - Is the workload reasonable? This area will look at how long the user is sat down at their workstation and if they can get up and walk around.
  • User feedback - Although this is not necessarily about the workstation itself, it is important users are encouraged to report any discomfort they are experiencing.

By conducting an assessment of the workstation elements listed above, you will be helping to improve and educate your employees on their health and wellbeing. In turn, this can help to improve productivity and minimise the risk.

Who needs a DSE risk assessment?

If you fit into any of the following categories, you will likely need a DSE risk assessment:

  • You work at a fixed desk or workstation
  • You work from home or are a mobile worker
  • You change desks regularly or ‘hot-desk’
  • A new employee has joined your team
  • A change has been made to the existing work environment
  • A user has complained about existing work conditions, such as discomfort, back pain, fatigue or strained eyes

How often should a workplace have a DSE assessment?

Although there aren’t any legal guidelines surrounding how often workplaces should have DSE assessments, it is recommended that they are conducted every 12 months if there is no change to the user or workstation.

However, we highly recommend you conduct a DSE assessment whenever there has been a change to the workstation, equipment or the way it's used and if a new user starts to work in your office. 

When should a DSE risk assessment be reviewed?

Your DSE risk assessment should be reviewed when any of the following occurs:

  • The users workstation has changed
  • The equipment, furniture, software or work environment is altered significantly
  • The nature of the work has changed
  • The current workstation is thought to be causing discomfort and the user has acknowledged so
  • There is an increase in time spent at the workstation
  • The workstation is relocated
  • The user requires an altered workstation due to a change in health circumstances

Why are DSE risk assessments important?

Besides from the fact DSE assessments are a legal requirement in the UK, they are also hugely important for the health and wellbeing of your employees.

Prolonged use of a computer or other screen device can lead to neck, shoulder, back or arm pain, as well as stress, eyestrain and even fatigue. These disorders not only affect the productivity of your employees and their quality of work, but can also affect their quality of life too. Something that can be easily avoided with the correct set-up and maintenance of their workstation.

DSE risk assessments with Lanahan Risk Management Services

For many business owners and office managers, conducting DSE risk assessments is something they cannot fit into their busy schedule or feel confident enough to do themselves. This is where our team at Lanahan Risk Management Services can help.

Our team has years of experience helping desk workers to complete their DSE assessment and provide actionable steps to improve the safety of their working environment while also helping to prevent any injury or strain.

We can help to simplify DSE risk assessments by showing you the correct ways workstations should be set up to suit different users, while also ensuring you are fully compliant with the law. 

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